Education and Liberal Arts Occupations*Average salaries provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Education and Liberal Arts Colleges
Career opportunities for Education and Liberal Arts graduates have increased in recent years and students are choosing these popular courses today. Some of the top programs in this career field include:
Education – Teaching is one of the noblest professions of all time. Be a part of this growing field and get a degree in education. You may choose to major in any subject you want.
General Studies – In general studies, you won’t learn the skills you’ll need to do a specific career. Instead, you’ll learn how to think critically, communicate effectively, and pull together knowledge that you may use in almost any career. It covers political science, social science, humanities and more.
Liberal Arts – Is the study of subjects or skills that are essential for a free minded person to know in order to have a successful civil life. It covers the topics of philosophy, history, psychology, social science, communication and more.
Theology / Religion – Theology is the field of study and analysis that teaches the word of God and of God’s attributes and relations to the universe.
Openings for teachers and professors has doubled in numbers in the past few years. From nursery teachers helping children with their first ABC’s to college teachers who teach students how to build their own businesses or maneuver through life. The starting salaries in education are competitive and the rewards are endless. You’ll get to teach thousands of students in your lifetime and help build their future. It will be an achievement for you every time you see a former student succeed. You will become their 2nd parent and you can touch lives every day in ways that other careers don’t.
The state of the economy, technology and a broader global perspective had made liberal arts majors more essential than ever before. Employers are realizing that technical skills can easily be taught in the majority of employees. But the communication skills, handling people and looking at the business aspect in different ways are aren’t as easy to teach. Liberal arts graduates usually have these skills as Liberal arts require studies in philosophy, mathematics, literature, art history, economics, and languages. These attributes help with critical thinking skills as well as an understanding of diversity, ethical issues and communication.
If you are interested in the Education and Liberal arts field, act now and find the right Education and Liberal Arts College for you. The United States is home to many amazing Education and Liberal Arts colleges and universities. These colleges and universities have a diverse option of courses and programs that you may choose to enroll in.